
Quality Assurance

The College has two strategic source documents: the development plan and the quality manual. The Development Plan 2021-2025 is a continuation of the previous development plan, at the same time including the revised vision and mission of the college, as well as a fresh interpretation of the core values that serve as a basis for the performance of the college. For the period 2021-2025, five strategic objectives with corresponding sub-objectives have been defined. The key indicators of development are presented across the fields of activity. Implementation of the development plan is supported by the action plan compiled for five years (2021-2025), setting specific tasks for each calendar year, the responsible persons, deadlines, as well as the budget strategy, including the investment plan. The action plan and the budget strategy for 2021-2025 are approved by the College Council.
The Quality Assurance System was developed on the basis of the EFQM model and it operates following the principles of the Deming Cycle – plan, do, check and act. The quality management processes are described (including the person in charge, actions, indicators and documents), regularly reviewed and updated.
Good Practice of Teaching and Studying is created and adopted by all the members of the College to encompass the principles of core values that are followed in studying and teaching. This Good Practice is established in communication among the College members and others in study, development, and research activities in classrooms and digital environments. The aim of Good Practice is to shape a good ethical climate at the College, raise awareness concerning best practices for the College members, and prevent and detect early possible deviations from the Good Practice.
Recognized College
The Higher Education Assessment Council of the Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education decided on April 27 in 2020 to accredit Tartu Health Care College for 7 years. The accreditation is valid until 27.04.2027.
The Council recognises Tartu Health Care College for its activities as a health promoter and leader of healthy behaviour in society, as well as for the involvement of learners in different types of community activities. The college is having a leading role in the development of new study programmes and professional standards in the field of health care. An individual approach to each learner is implemented in the study process. Stakeholder satisfaction with the college activities is high; high satisfaction is also reflected in the performance of dedicated lecturers and administrative staff. The college has thoroughly planned the activities for introducing specialities trained at the college.
Assessment of vocational education and training curricula took place in conjunction with the institutional accreditation in 14.-18.10.2019. Based on the Assessment Council decision of March 10, 2020, the next quality assessment of the following study programme groups: social work and counselling, child care and youth services, therapy and rehabilitation, medical diagnostic and treatment technology, will take place after six years.