
The Structure of the College

The main responsibility of Tartu Health Care College is to the students. The value provided to the students
depends on the value that is provided to the staff.
Value proposition to the students supports their confidence in the contexts of their professional life and
personal development, motivating them to choose the college. Value proposition to the staff serves as a precondition for retaining professional employees, supporting their development and recruiting the best new team members.

Main partners
The circle of college partners is varied, involving the graduates, practice institutions and other employers, professional associations, as well as different social organisations. In the development and organisation of higher education, as well as in the development of the best solutions for the provision of higher education successful collaboration is carried out with other higher education institutions, the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (HTM) and the Ministry of Social Affairs (SoM).
Community and in the wide meaning the whole society in the role of the partner is focussed on due to the college mission to promote health awareness of the population and meet the need for high-quality health care education, as well as in the provision of community services. International partners (mainly educational institutions, professional associations, networks) are mostly involved in the activities related to learning, teaching, research and development.