
The aim of the curriculum is to prepare nurses in an internationally regulated profession with the ability to work successfully in various fields of health care. Nursing as a field has existed since the beginning of time and is constantly developing along with society.
In addition to the theoretical training, over 40% of the studies form practical training, which takes place in the innovative learning environment of skills labs in the University and in the clinical settings (community, primary care, hospital care, home care etc.).
The graduate will be qualified as a general nurse who can work in all areas of health care.
Workload of programme: 210 ECTS
Standard period of study: 3.5 years
Language of instruction: Estonian
The education and training period is finished by the defence of the final thesis.
The curriculum consists of ten basic modules:
- professional and personal development
- basics of nursing
- anatomy-physiology
- community nursing
- children`s nursing
- reproductive health
- nursing care of the elderly
- clinical nursing care
- mental health and psychiatric nursing care
- nursing care of patients in complicated clinical cases