
PERFECT – Promoting English Readiness For Effective Care and Trust of Nurses
Project number: 2024-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000257646
Funder: Estonian Erasmus Agency, HARNO
Duration of the project: 01.12.2024 – 30.11.2027
Leading partner: Tartu Health Care College
Partner Organizations: University of Primorska (Slovenia), University of Iceland, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (Ukraine), Bukovinian State Medical University (Ukraine, The University of Rijeka (Croatia), SA Narva Haigla.
Aim of the project:
The PERFECT project intends to tailor opportunities for pre-and in-service nurses through empowering them with sound language skills required for efficient care, stronger patient trust, and higher employability. By sharing rich experience and engaging experts in methods of teaching English, healthcare, and educational technologies, we will produce sound intellectual outputs that can be efficiently used both for independent and teacher assisted learning beyond the target group of nurses.
Project outcomes:
- An updated course “English for Nursing and Healthcare”
- Interactive book for healthcare professionals
- Learning opportunities for in-service nurses
Project manager in THCC: Oleksandra Golovko, oleksandragolovko@nooruse.ee
Project team at THCC: Reet Urban, Martin Avameri, Gerli Usberg.