
Organisation of Studies
The user name and password for accessing the computer network of Tartu Applied Health Sciences University is sent to your email address after admission. You need the user name and password to enter the Study Information System that includes among other information the programme and the timetable. Your contact information must be correct and kept updated all the time! It is student’s own responsibility.
Following the opening ceremony of the academic year, takes place a briefing to provide information about the programme and the timetable.
Important dates of the 1st semester in 2023/2024
Due date for paying the tuition fee | 28.08.2023 | |
Beginning of the academic year and the first semester | 28.08.2023 | |
Opening ceremony of the academic year | 28.08.2023 | |
End of the first semester | 04.02.2024 | |
Beginning of summer holidays | 24.06.2024 | |
End of summer holidays | 18.08.2024 | |
End of the academic year | 01.09.2024 |
As part of a traditional welcome, Study in Estonia provided all international students with welcome bags which, in addition to useful information, also included essential items for dealing with the characteristically cold and dark climate of Estonia. This year’s welcome bag contained a reflector, pen, webcam cover and smart phone gloves. The bag also included the very popular brochure “Survival Guide for International Students”, as well as useful information on the possibilities of working or doing research in Estonia, by Work in Estonia and Research in Estonia respectively.
Studies are organised on the basis of an academic year divided into two 20-week semesters: autumn and spring semester. The academic calendar fixes the dates of all the important deadlines in the academic year and sets the beginning and end of studies.
The most important document regulating studies at the University is the Study Regulations. If you do not find an answer to your question there, you should contact the study specialists. If they cannot help you either, it is recommended that you contact your head of programme for information.
Values for learning, teaching and relationships with each other and with other stakeholders in all learning, development and research activities, both in the classroom and in the digital environment, that have been jointly created and embraced by the University community, are governed by the Good Practice for Learning and Teaching.
The student is required to complete 100% of the curriculum, with no arrears from the previous semester – this is monitored by the study specialist. The curriculum is the basic document for the programme, setting out the learning objectives, including learning outcomes, the nominal duration and volume of the programme, and the list and volume of subjects.
During the course of study, subjects must be completed in modules, as complete sets of courses, in the order prescribed by the curriculum. Elective and optional courses are also available for students to choose from. The volume of elective and optional courses is determined by the curriculum and their selection follows the principles set out in the curriculum.
A syllabus has been developed for each subject, containing all relevant information such as learning outcomes, literature references, assessment principles and other assessment-related matters.
Teaching takes the form of lectures, workshops, seminars or e-learning, and all curricula include a period of practical training.
Information is provided via the University’s intranet, curriculum lists and the study information system Tahvel.
The volume of studies at the level of professional higher education is calculated in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). One ECTS credit is equivalent to 26 hours of work, including contact learning (e.g. lectures, seminars, workshops), e-learning, and independent work. Each subject is worth a certain number of credit points. For example, if a subject is worth 2 credit points, this means that you will need to work 52 hours to complete it. The volume of the curriculum for one nominal academic year at the level of professional higher education is 60 ECTS, i.e. 1560 hours of work.
The volume of a vocational training programme per nominal academic year is 60 Estonian vocational training credits (1 EKAP equals 20 hours of work), equal to 1560 hours of work the learner spends.
Failure to comply with academic regulations or failure to make progress in studies will result in the student being exmatriculated.
A good overview of the University can be found in the Student Guide for first-year students.