
Life in Tartu and Estonia
As a country that only regained its independence 20 years ago and has a population of just 1.3 million, it’s a bit much to expect that we are well-known all over the world. So, it’s better you come and see yourself. We warmly welcome you to Estonia – the land of positive surprises!
The Nordic influence, rootedness, the eastern influence and progress – 4 cornerstones that make us what we are.
Is there something that matches your interests and expectations? There is sure to be something exciting and special waiting for you in the Estonian higher education and research institutions.
Tartu, with its population around 100 000 habitants, is the second largest city in Estonia and historically one of the most prestigious, as Tartu was first mentioned in written chronicles in 1030. In Estonia, Tartu is called the city of students because Estonia’s oldest university – the University of Tartu, founded in 1632 by Swedish King Gustav II, is situated here. The town can also boast the Estonian University of Life Sciences and many other institutions of higher education, including Tartu Applied Health Sciences University. Tartu is also an internationally established research town. The Ministry of Education and Research is also situated in Tartu. Welcome to Tartu – city of good thoughts!
Here you can see a video about Tartu – a city full of good thoughts!
Tartu Student Days
The tradition of organizing Student Days in Tartu began in the first half of the 1960s. It originates from the tradition of celebrating the international day of students on November 17th. The first Tartu Autumn Festival was held in 1989 from 30th of November to the 2th of December. The festival contained of approximately 10 events and about 7000 students took part of it. The first Tartu Spring Days took place the same year in April and the number of participants was around 10 000.
Nowadays Tartu Student Days is one of the biggest traditions in Tartu, which is known as the city of students – every 5th citizen in Tartu is a student. The Student Days are organized by University Culture Club – a non profitable organization which has about 30 active members who are all currently students or have been students of one of Tartu’s colleges. Culture Club’s main purpose is organizing Tartu Student Days: a festival week twice a year full of excitement and fun.