


Practical Settling-In Information

All students who are not Estonian citizens need to apply for a visa, temporary residence permit or register their place of residence in Estonia.

Visa and Residence Permit

EU/EEA Citizens Right of Temporary Residence

Citizens of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and the Swiss Confederation, shortly “EU citizens”, can stay in Estonia for up to three months on the basis of a valid travel document or identity card. In case of a more extended stay, which is the case for degree students, you must register yourself as a citizen of Tartu within three months from the date of entering Estonia and apply for the Estonian ID-card.

D-Visa for Non-EU/EEA Citizens

For entering Estonia, Non-EU/EEA Citizens need to apply for a long-term visa (D type visa) for studies in an Estonian embassy abroad in person.

For D-visa you need the following: 

  • Document indicating the purpose of the journey – this is the letter of acceptance that the University will send you;
  • Insurance policy – international travel medical insurance which guarantees payment of any costs related to medical treatment due to illness or injury during the validity of the visa;
  • Document proving sufficient means of subsistence for your stay in Estonia – please be prepared to present proof of sufficient financial means during your visa-covered stay in Estonia.

Temporary Residency Permit

Degree-seeking students coming to Estonia with a D-visa and staying in Estonia for one academic year or longer, are advised to start applying for the residence permit (TRP) immediately after arriving in Estonia, regardless of the fact that they have the D-visa.

NB! The process of applying for a residence permit may take about two months. 

IMPORTANT! The residence permit is given only in case of full-time studies in Estonia.

NB! All specific questions about the residence permit and required documents should be addressed to the Estonian Police and Boarder Guard Board at or to Migration consultants at

Health Insurance

When applying for a residence permit, you need to have a health insurance contract valid in Estonia during the whole validity period of the residence permit.


Tartu Applied Health Sciences University has a dormitory. You can either find accommodation on your own or apply for a place at the dormitory. Please make the choice of accommodation at your Dream Apply application form. Place at the dormitory is not guaranteed, but the college will assist in finding accommodation in case of lacking places at the dormitory.

How to Arrive to Tartu?

It is easy to travel to Tartu. The city is situated in the Southern part of Estonia and it connects to the world through Lennart Meri Airport Tallinn (186 km from Tartu), Tartu Airport and Riga Airport (in Latvia, 245 km from Tartu).