
Support and Counselling
Study specialists can advise students on all aspects of their studies: study options, study organisation, timetables, and practical training.
It is also worth checking with them, if necessary, about the possibilities for academic leave or how the Recognition of Prior Learning and Professional Experience can be used to count prior learning towards your studies. Study specialists also issue various certificates, such as certificates of study to the local municipality, Social Insurance Board, etc.
Psychological counselling is available to students free of charge. You should see a psychologist if you have personal problems or feel stressed, sad, anxious, lonely or unhappy with your relationships. The psychologist also helps with career guidance. For counselling, book an appointment with psychologist Geia Randma via e-mail: An appointment already made with the psychologist can be cancelled or changed no later than 24 hours before the appointment.
Members of the Students Council are also available to provide advice and information if needed.
Students have the opportunity to take part in in-depth Estonian language training. All participants in the in-depth study have also been transferred to the in-depth study in the Estonian Education Information System and their nominal study time is extended. In-depth studies are intended by law for students whose proficiency in Estonian as the language of instruction does not meet the requirements for higher education, the volume of studies is 30 ECTS credits per semester. These students cannot attend other classes but will only learn Estonian.