


Completed Applied Research

Completed applied research (end year 2020 – 2024):

TitlePeriodResponsible researcher(s)The aim of the project
„Effectiveness of the Massage Chair and Classical Massage in Recovering from Physical Load”  2021 – 2023Ivi VaherThe aim of the research is to elucidate the effects of massage chair and hand massage on the biomechanical parameters of muscles of lower limbs and back, indicators of pain pressure thresholds (PPT) and subjectively perceived fatigue.
“Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Dementia Training Program for Internal Trainers in Care Institutions”
(Health Development Institute, targeted expert commission)
2018 – 2013Merle VarikThe study aims to determine the effectiveness of the training program and to describe the development activities needed to further enhance the program’s efficiency. The evaluation of effectiveness has two parts: (1) Impact assessment of the training program conducted in 2023; (2) Analysis of the effectiveness of the training programs from 2018-2022.
“Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Representation of Different Genotypes Among Ticks in Estonian Counties”2017 – 2024Eerik JõgiThe study aims to describe the population density of ticks in different counties of Estonia, their species composition, and the genotypic composition and prevalence of different subspecies of Borrelia burgdorferi.
„Estonians Drinking Water Consumption Habits and Opinion About Possible Health Hazards of Bottled Water”2017 – 2022  Kristi VahurThe aim of the study was to determine drinking water consumption habits (bottle, tap, and well water) and subjective assessment of the potential health impacts of bottled water in the Estonian population.  
„Marathon-Related Health Conditions, Preparation and Recovery of Nonprofessional Participants (Men, >45 Years)”2018 – 2022  Ülle ParmThe aim of the study was to determine the impact of marathons and cofactors associated with marathons on the recovery of heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) of non-professional ≥ 45 years old male marathoners.
„Evaluation of the Impact and Effectiveness of the Master´s Program in Health Sciences (APN)”2019 – 2022  Mary Olivia Gobbi Reet UrbanThe aim of the study was to identify the fulfilment of the objectives of the Master’s Programme in Health Sciences and the preparation of graduates to meet the expectations of the modern healthcare sector for specialists with higher professional education.
„Occurrence of Pediculosis in Pre-School Children and Parents´ Awareness of It”2019 – 2022  Ave KutmanThe research study aimed to find out the occurrence of head lice in preschool children and their parents´ awareness of the disease.  
„Compiling Methodological Instructions and a Handbook for the Study Laboratory of Biomedical Scientists in Tartu Health Care College”2014 – 2020Mare RemmThe aims of the study were to compile methodological instructions to be used in the study laboratory, test their quality and compile a handbook of the study laboratory based on the instructions, which would be both learning material for the students and teaching material for the lecturers.
„Health-Related Aspects of Police Work (Follow-Up Project of Health Behaviour and Health Indicators of Professional Salvors)”2016 – 2020  Anna-Liisa Tamm Ülle Parm Janika PaelThe aim of the study was to determine the health condition (chronic diseases, emotional well-being), health behaviour and relaxation ability.