


Completed Projects

International projects

Improving Digital Competences of the Health Workforce in Spain and Estonia

The main objective of the project is to improve Digital Competencies (DCs) among the Catalan and Estonian Healthcare Workforce (HWF).

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Helps Save Lives

The main objective of the project is to increase the knowledge and practical skills (of AED use and first aid) of adults who live in rural areas of Estonia and Czechia. These objectives increase inclusion as they tackle the survival of the people with health problems, they decrease the training system barriers and geographical barriers as the workshops improve the knowledge of people living in rural areas where AED training is not provided.

Ebreast II „Interprofessional co-operation in breast cancer therapeutic phase”

Objective 1. To review and create evidence based knowledge about interprofessional breast cancer care and treatments.​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Objective 2. Improving the quality of breast cancer care and therapies and health care staff education related to it.
Objective 3. Testing and implementing the e-learning package at the European level. 

Take Care International

The aim of the project is to adapt and take into use a game for the smart device that is based on serious game conception and enables to simulate the treatment of patients with dementia.

The eMedication Passport – cultural adaptation of learning tool for ensuring the development of medication competence of graduate nurses (eMed-PASS)

The aim of this project is to modify, implement, and evaluate the feasibility of electronic Medication Passport for ensuring the medication competence and adequate working life skills of the graduating nurses.

VET Mobility

Vocational Education and Training Student and Staff Mobility project aims to create opportunities for vocational learners and tutors from the development of the college’s development goals.

Advanced Nursing Practice Education Network of the Nordic and Baltic Countries (2019)

The Advanced Nursing Practice Education network’s subject area is the master level clinical nursing education in the Nordic and Baltic countries. 


The project aim is to develop an instrument that can measure curriculum quality and accreditation, develop curricula and qualification frameworks, set standards and improve teaching methods.

Quality of Education in Multiculturalism

The aim of the project is to study how internationalization and immigration affect the quality of education in the higher education field. In addition, propose suitable activities to ensure the quality of teaching, taking internationalization into account. 

Online Professional Education for Physiotherapists and Other Healthcare Professionals on Domestic Violence

The aim of the project is to create learning tool to identify and help victims of domestic violence. Standalone study course and online learning module will be developed. Another aim is to improve and unify the education of physical therapists on the topic in the European Union countries.

Developing Gerontological Nursing Education in China Through Multidisciplinary Innovations (GENEDU)

The aim of the project is to renew the nursing curriculum in higher educational institutes in China. The amount of 30 ECT gerontological nursing modules will be developed and integrated to the curriculum of higher educational institutes of China.

Welfare Technology (WEL-TECH)

The aim of the Wel-Tech project is to map and describe good practices of teaching welfare technology in each partner country/ VET organization and then combine, create and test/pilot new learning units.

Leadership Development Programme (LOTUS)

The aim of the project is to contribute to capacity building and strategic change management for learning and teaching at higher education institutions across Europe. The project also aims to discuss and demonstrate the potential of various actors (ministries, university associations, student and staff unions, etc.) to support transformation and innovation in learning and teaching.

Clinical Key for Electrical Stimulation in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation/CK4Stim

The aim of the project is to develop a study material about electrostimulation (in English and in each participants language). The study material will be available for free as a printed version on virtual course for all physical therapists

Erasmus+ Study Migration of Vocational Students and Employees (Germany and Portugal)

The project´s aim is to increase the international dimension of vocational education in the field of healthcare and social services, develop international cooperation skills and foreign language skills and to improve self-management skills in planning study and work life.

Welltour Network (Nordplus)

Students from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland learn from lectures on the topics of well-being, tourism and communicate with local students, share common experiences.


The aim of the Dora Plus program was to improve Estonia’s visibility and attractiveness as a destination for studying and research as well as to increase the international competitiveness of Estonian higher education.

National projects

Go Green

Project objective is to improve the quality of environmental education and raise the environmental awareness of employees. Through the project’s energy-saving and environmentally friendly activities, it is hoped to be an example for other universities of applied sciences.

Caring and Taking Care

The aim of the project is to create and digitalize the study material for the care worker curriculum students and for all who are involved with care work. The digitalized free study material provides the knowledge and skills necessary for caregiving and promotes the importance of the speciality in general.

Educational investment in health care – HiT!

The goal of the project is to enhance the competitiveness of Tartu Health Care College and its ability to serve society, as a result of which the competitiveness of THCC will increase and an international master’s degree joint curriculum in the field of radiology technician will be opened. In addition, the research capacity of teaching staff increases and services related to the fields of study are provided to the population.

KuDi – Vocational Education More Digital!

The aim of the project is to create digital educational software, the use of which is flexible, interactive and engaging, taking into account the changed approach to learning and increase the digital competence of learners and teachers. As a result of the project, two e-courses for the curriculum of care workers and digital learning materials for the curriculum of childminder will be prepared.

Health Awareness Study Days 2019

During the project, practical workshops are organized for high school students and students in vocational schools for the purpose of the application possibilities of real subjects and the popularization of science.

Additional language learning in vocational and higher education (PRÕM)

The project supports learning Estonian and Russian in the field of healthcare. Additional Estonian and Russian language training would help the students to pass the educational process better and later to cope better in the labor market.

Organizing advanced training for rehabilitation specialists to use ICF (2021-2022)

The aim of the project is to provide knowledge about the planning of the training process, the nature of ICF, developing the skills of rehabilitation and rehabilitation specialists to use ICF in their daily work in planning the rehabilitation process of people with special needs and implementing interventions.


The aim of the project is to conduct 9 trainings within the scope of the European Social Fund’s activity “Development of adult education and provision of non-formal learning opportunities”.

Home Visits by Midwives During the First Years of Life

Project objective is to create an action model for assessing and mitigating risks affecting the well-being of pregnant women and families with a child with repeated postpartum home visits carried out by a midwife in cooperation with local governments and health care institutions in different regions across Estonia.

Virtual Reality Workshops for adolescents

The purpose of the workshops is to connect education and working life, increasing young people’s contact with working life, increasing competitiveness and providing guidelines for making a more informed career choice.

Development of the Practice System of Tartu Health Care College (PRAK 2)

The aim of the project is to ensure high-quality training of internship supervisors, to involve new practitioners in teaching and to create a unique system of evaluation of internship bases in Estonia.

Additional Estonian language study in healthcare

As part of the project, the THHC offers additional Estonian language learning for students with a different mother language. Professional language training is offered to first- and second-year students in applied higher education specialties in nursing, midwifery, radiography, and physiotherapy, as well as vocational education specialties.

Mental health center for children and adolescents in Southern Estonia

A project carried out by the children’s department of the psychiatry clinic of Tartu University Hospital, the goal of which is to provide more effective and accessible child psychiatric care through the South Estonian Children and Adolescent Mental Health Center, which will be created within the framework of the project.

Development of practice system at Tartu Health Care College

The aim of the project is to support internship bases in conducting internship activities by providing training for internship supervisors.