
The Aim and General Principles of the Journal
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Full of Knowledge is the international peer-reviewed open access (freely available to the public) journal of Tartu Applied Health Sciences University issued every second year, publishing innovative research results in the fields of health care and health care education.

The Journal is focusing on the topics related to health and health care education, for example, health awareness in the society, diet, physical activity, mental health, infectious diseases and their prevention, patient safety, environment and health, health technologies, curriculum development in health care education, the cohesion of teaching and learning methods with assessment methods and assessment criteria in the achievement of learning outcomes.
The following types of manuscripts are expected to be submitted to the Journal:
- Original research – the manuscript describes the results of an empirical study, providing new information about the topic under study on the basis of current relevant sources. The length of the text should not exceed 16 pages in A4 format, incl. tables, figures and the references; maximum number of references is 40.
- Case study – the manuscript provides a brief description of results obtained with the help of an innovative method or a specific situation/case. The length of the text should not exceed 8 pages, incl. the references; maximum number of references is 20.
- Review article – the manuscript provides an overview of a specific historical or current aspect of health care or health care education; the novelty of approach and relevance of the topic are essential. The length of the text should not exceed 16 pages, incl. the references; maximum number of references is 60.
The research study should be carried out and the manuscript compiled in accord with the principles of research integrity (see “The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity”, 2017). It is the first author’s responsibility to ensure that the publication of the manuscript is not infringing the protection of intellectual property or the rights arising from other legal acts.