VLPN – Virtual Children´s Hospital for Learning Pediatric Nursing
Project number: 2023-1-FI01-KA220-HED-000166447
Duration of the project: 01.10.2023 – 30.09.2026
Leading partner: Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Partner organizations: Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), Tartu Health Care College
Aim of the project:
The project VLPN´s aim is to develop an interactive virtual learning environment, a virtual children´s hospital, which enables the improvement of pediatric nursing competences of the nursing students through interactive and self-paced activities and content. The aim is to develop new learning and teaching methods and practices utilizing virtual reality and virtual simulation in teaching.
Activities of the project:
- Developing an interactive virtual learning environment, Virtual Children´s Hospital.
- Developing new learning and teaching methods and practices utilizing virtual reality and virtual simulation in teaching.
- Promoting the international collaboration of students through joint workshops and seminars in the Virtual Hospital.
Project manager: Maarika Asi,
Project team at the Tartu Health Care College: Airin Treiman-Kiveste, Siret Läänelaid, Ave Kõrve-Noorkõiv